Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Adoption: May 28th

  Today (Monday) was the beginning of my first full week with my kids. It was a really cool morning which made the hike to the main house much more enjoyable! Walking to the main house is a special way to start the morning because it’s relatively quiet on the streets and the views here are really spectacular. I was really excited to spend more time with my kids today. I want to earn their trust and love by spending quality time with them. I think spending time interacting with them and watching them is the best way to get to know each of their sweet souls. All of my kiddos are all so well behaved and adorable! They really enjoy exploring on the balcony. They each have their assigned crib (often for the smaller kiddos they share a crib space with one other child) and besides the time we spend with them on the balcony and their meal times they hang out in their cribs. So when it is their turn for balcony time the kids are so excited and anxious! I have several kids in the same nursery rooms and as soon as they see me come in they all give me expectant puppy eyes and I turn to mush every time! They totally have me wrapped around their little fingers J If it isn’t their turn to come up to the balcony they get sad and cry but I go over and kiss their sweet faces and tell them I’ll be back. It breaks my heart to disappoint them. But I think my older kiddos at least know that I’ll come and get them at some point throughout the day.

Even kiddos who aren’t assigned to me reach out and beg to come with me when I’m picking my kids up from the nurseries. All of the volunteers try to bring up at least one or two kids a day who don’t have a volunteer assigned to them, so that all the kids can get special time on the balcony. I’m telling you it would melt your heart how loving these kids are. Almost every single one of them will let you snuggle them and kiss them...they have no fear of strangers; they just openly love anyone who will love them back. It is the biggest blessing to be able to give them the attention and love they crave. My heart is so full here…it’s amazing! Now I said almost all the kiddos aren’t afraid of strangers because one of my twins has a significant fear of new people…I mean can you blame her. Most kids back home would be so afraid if there were strangers coming into their rooms and taking them away from their moms! She is a cutie but she isn’t quite sure how she feels about me yet…her twin sister comes to me easily but she runs to her nanny and cries when I try to pick her up. Today she didn’t cry but she did run to her nanny…progress!!! I bring her and her sister both up to the balcony at the same time because it’s fun for them to play together plus I think it reassures them. They’re the calmest kids I’ve ever met. They love to be read to, snuggled, and pushed in the swings. I really enjoy spending time with them! My three other kids were also so fun to play with today! I caught some good pictures of them J Everyone except for the twins fell asleep in my arms today…it rained in the afternoon and got pretty muggy so I think they were all tired from the heat and from playing hard. Unfortunately, my one sweet baby girl is still sick and in the NICU getting treatment. I went in to see her today and she was sleeping so I didn’t disturb her but she is such a doll. If you guys could all pray for her I’d really appreciate it. She came to GLA as a 2lb preemie so she is a miracle baby and she has been through a lot already! I just hope she feels better soon…poor sweet girl.

One of the best parts of today was getting to meet the adoptive mother of one of the kiddos here at GLA. The adoptive mom (with two of her friends) came to GLA to meet her baby girl and start the adoption process in Haiti. It was one of the most beautiful things ever to watch her interact with her daughter for the first time. It was so touching I can’t even begin to describe the joy that was radiating from the mother. She loved her immediately…the bond was formed instantly and it will last a lifetime. Beautiful! She told us her story…she had visited Haiti multiple times and had actually been to GLA before (she unknowingly held her daughter when she was just a newborn…such a God thing!) and she felt God place adoption on her heart. So amazing! Even though the adoption process is complicated and expensive…I know that it is worthwhile when I see her talk to her little girl and tell her she loves her. I was moved beyond words…I hope I get to witness more of these meetings. I never truly understood the appeal of adoption…but now I understand. You not only get a child to love and care for but you also get the joy of saving/changing a life. I know adoption will forever be on my heart after this experience!

P.S. This verse is on the balcony walls and I love it so I thought I’d share it with you…Matthew 19:14 “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these”

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